February 2020 - Blutone Technologies


  • The simple way to spot a Phishing email

    25 Feb, 2020

    A Phishing email is when a cybercriminal tries to trick email users by sending an email address from a manager, coworker or business partner. With the move to cloud mail services such as O365 and Gmail, it’s very easy for cybercriminals to target users and harvest their credentials.

    The first step is to look at the sender’s email address closely. Sometimes there are subtle differences in the address.

    For example:

    Real address: Joe@user.com

    Fake address: Joe@uzer.com

    Sometimes this is not clearly visible as it is masked so hovering with your mouse over the username can help unmask the real address.

    If the email has an embedded link, never click it but use the same technique and hover over it to see where it leads to. If the link says Microsoft.com and you hover over it and on the lower left side of the Outlook screen it says CyberCrimal.com, you will know its fake.

    Never open or download an email attachment unless you are 100% certain it’s safe.

    The last step, if you weren’t expecting the email and don’t know who it’s from, don’t click it. If it’s regarding something important, they will contact you again.

    I hope this helps.

  • Six things you need to do to prepare for, prevent and minimise the damage of a cyberattack

    12 Feb, 2020

    When it comes to cybersecurity, the best defence is a good offence.

    Here are six tips that can help you mitigate the impact of an attack on you. 


    Cybercrime has become a global epidemic and shows no signs of slowing down. Indeed, the latest research from IBM and the Ponemon Institute found that the average cost of a data breach is $3.9 million and that it takes 279 days on average to identify and contain a breach—279 days!

    Statistically speaking, without the right people, processes, and technology in play, your networks are likely to have been compromised already—and you may not even know it. And we do mean “you.”

    As with many things in life, when it comes to cybersecurity, the best defence is a good offence. Don’t wait for the attack; take a threat-focused approach to defending yourself and find trouble before trouble finds you.

    Here are six tips that can help you better prepare, prevent, and minimise the damage from a cybersecurity attack and get back to business as soon as possible:

    1. Raise awareness. It’s important for everyone in the organisation to be savvy and alert about security issues. This means watching for phishing scams sent through email and messaging apps that appear genuine but are actually attempts to retrieve credentials or sensitive data or release malware into the system.

    2. Be ready to document everything you know and everything you do. Many countries and industries have regulations and other laws that require reporting unauthorised network access or data breaches. Documenting what happened and each remediation step is a necessary part of preparing for that reporting. It also allows you to do a post mortem and ask, “What can we do better or different in the future to minimise our risk of another breach?”

    3. Follow the 3-2-1 rule. The most significant difference between those who end up having to pay a ransom vs. those who don’t is their backups. Many companies take it for granted that their data is backed up regularly, and they learn otherwise when they need to do a restore. In the case of ransomware, it’s important to distinguish between data synchronisation in the cloud and a valid backup. In the former scenario, infected data sets can be uploaded to the cloud and can overwrite good data. With a true backup, which follows the 3-2-1 backup rule, you’ll avoid this problem. The 3-2-1 backup rule means you should have three copies of your data and store the copies on two different media, and keep one backup copy offsite.

    4. Purchase a Cyber Insurance policy. If you do experience a cyber breach, a solid Cyber insurance policy will cover your losses and costs to repair the damage.

    5. Isolate the problem. Make sure that infected devices are taken off the network and shut down whenever possible until they can be diagnosed. The longer the infected machine remains online, the more potential it has to affect others and exacerbate the situation.

    6. Lockout further damage. If personal or company identity data is stolen, immediately notify your bank or your customer’s bank, credit card companies, and credit monitoring agencies. This will limit the thieves’ ability to continue using the stolen data.

    As we continue to become more reliant on technology, cybercrime will continue to rise. Start being proactive about your cybersecurity now!

    If you would like any more information, help or advice on this matter, call Blutone on 1300 660 139, and we'll be happy to help.



  • Ransomware Scams – How to Secure Yourself

    03 Feb, 2020

    If you’re looking at this Meme thinking that “Fishing” has been misspelt and what’s Bill Lumbergh problem with fishing, then you’re not alone. Most people are unware of phishing and other Ransomware scams until it is too late and their computer is affected.

    Ransomware is a nasty piece of software distributed by Cyber Criminals that basically holds your device hostage until you pay ransom. This software will usually lock your device or files with a password and cyber criminals will demand you pay up to receive the required password to unlock your device.

    Taking these steps will ensure you protect yourself from Ransomware:

    1.      When checking email, never click on a link until you’ve looked into it. Mouse over the link and see what URL comes up and check the sender’s address if it arrives in an email.

    2.      Use an Anti-virus Security program that includes both firewall and antiphising to protect against external IT attacks.

    3.      Make sure your Operating System and all other software are up-to-date.

    Internet security is more important than ever. The only sure way to ensure 100% protection is to disconnect your Internet cable, but that’s like disconnecting someone’s life support in this day and age.

    Instead, be proactive, follow the steps outlined above and if you’re still unsure, give Blutone Technologies a call on 1300 660 139 and we’ll be more than happy to listen to your situation and recommend you the best solution.

    Be sure to watch this video created by the Australian Cyber Security Centre for more information on Ransomware


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