Security Compliance Archives - Blutone Technologies


  • The Cybersecurity Gap

    04 Jun, 2018

    An SBS article earlier this year covered the Turnbull government’s addition of TAFE courses to offer vocational training in cybersecurity – an effort to close an estimated job shortage gap of 11,000. Although the “domestic cybersecurity industry was already worth $2 billion,” government experts predict it will triple in just a decade.

    As major industries like banks and telecommunications, not to mention government agencies, all compete over a too-small talent pool, it’s no wonder SMBs are left behind.

    And now is not the time to be left wondering about the security of your data. Not only are new regulations increasing the urgency, the threats themselves are growing, both within Australia and from overseas hackers.

    This is precisely why so many SMBs are choosing to outsource their cybersecurity function to full-service IT support companies that can handle all the tasks necessary to keep their business and customers safe. Tasks like testing security systems, monitoring for breaches, finding and repairing weaknesses, and creating comprehensive data polices are all tasks that can be handled by a third party firm.

    The demand for cybersecurity skills is growing rapidly, and the human resources needed to fill every role are simply not available. By partnering with a trusted outside organization, a small-to-medium sized business can essentially “time share” a cybersecurity department – or, indeed, a whole IT department.

    More and more SMBs are realizing how difficult it is to compete with large corporations for IT and cybersecurity specialists. They are also realizing that their need for cybersecurity and advanced business technology is no smaller and no less important. Regulations and privacy acts from both the Australian government and those around the world impose the same penalties regardless of how big or small the business may be.

    Blutone Technologies is designed to meet the challenges your business faces every day with constant remote monitoring of all your systems. We specialize in creating secure environments and meeting the regulatory standards to which Australian companies must adhere, including not only NDB but GDPR and other regulations worldwide. Give us a call today.

    Source: James Elton-Pym, “Australian TAFEs will offer cybersecurity diplomas amid shortage.”

    Here’s another SBS article from earlier this year detailing how small businesses are underprepared for 2018 cybersecurity laws. If these challenges sound familiar – give us a call. (links to:


  • GDPR Is Here! Are You Ready?

    28 May, 2018

    25 May 2018 was the date the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. As of April, a Crowd Research report found that 60% of companies expected to miss the deadline. And nearly half said they were not knowledgeable enough about GDPR specifics. What about your company?

    These key messages were included in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Privacy business resource 21 as of March:

    • The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) contains new data protection requirements that will apply from 25 May 2018.
    • Australian businesses of any size may need to comply if they have an establishment in the EU, if they offer goods and services in the EU, or if they monitor the behaviour of individuals in the EU.
    • There are also some notable differences, including certain rights of individuals (such as the ‘right to be forgotten’) which do not have an equivalent right under the Privacy Act.
    • Australian businesses should determine whether they need to comply with the GDPR and if so, take steps now to ensure their personal data handling practices comply with the GDPR before commencement
    • The GDPR and the Australian Privacy Act 1988 share many common requirements, including to:
      • implement a privacy by design approach to compliance
      • be able to demonstrate compliance with privacy principles and obligations
      • adopt transparent information handling practices.

    As an Australian business, how do you know if you are required to be compliant? If you do business (online or with physical presence), gather data, or monitor behaviour of those in the EU, your company’s data processes are required to be GDPR compliant.

    It’s important to understand that the GDPR applies to data gathering practices of businesses of ANY size. And, it applies whether or not the business is charging for goods or services. In other words, a free survey you send to a list in the EU falls under GDPR compliance requirements.

    At Blutone Technologies, we’ve been working with clients to determine whether or not they are required to be GDPR-compliant – and, if they are, to make sure their systems are meeting all regulations. If you are wondering what to do about GDPR, give us a call and get the expert guidance you need.

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